Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Well, I WAS going to take and post a picture of how far I'd got on the edging of Hiawatha (I'm past the first edge of the first side section. Which probably constitutes 1/6 or 1/7 of the whole thing). But I didn't get to it.

Lunch preparation, under the new eating regime, takes longer. There are things to be washed and things to be cut up and little containers to be found and I have to make sure I have both a fork and a spoon. While I don't exactly long for the days of throwing a bunch of pre-packaged stuff in my lunch kit, still, it did make things easier and faster. And I'm unwilling to shave another 15 minutes or so off my sleep-time just so I can be more leisurely in lunch-production.

all I can say is this darn well better pay off.

(whiny stuff excised)*

I did climb up on my roof yesterday to scrape up all the accumulated catkins/leaves/branches from my pecan tree. I mainly wanted to get it off now because I anticipate this weekend will be the Fiesta O Bottle Rockets in my neighborhood, and I hated the thought of something landing up there in a pile of dry plant matter and beginning to smoulder. My back roof is about eight feet off the ground and the ladder I have is short enough that I have to grab hold of the roof and PULL myself up with my arms and chest. So, if nothing else, I have some upper body strength and I guess that counts for summat?

*I KNOW I've been whiny these past few days, and over crap that, had I had Homer Simpson for a parent, he would have looked at me and said "You want something to cry about? I'll GIVE you something to cry about!" Part of it is just the weather - I feel kind of trapped, because it's so hot. I never feel totally cool enough, even in the room here on campus where the air conditioning off-switch is broken and the rest of the class are shivering. I just don't like summer very much.

I think it's also that the summer teaching is tiring me out more than I realize, and it's frustrating to me that I'm not getting more done than I am.

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