Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This is actually Thursday's post.*

(*If I were wanting to be very cool and po-mo, I'd write it in French - as "Ceci n'est pas une poste de Mecredi" - "this is not a Wednesday post" - as an allusion to Magritte. But I'm not going to.)

Here is the promised picture of Hiawatha. I added a few more repeats of the "Sobbing Waves" this evening:


It takes a verrrrrrry long time to do the edging. I have to take it in kind of small doses so I don't totally burn myself out on it.

And this is Old Knitted Stuff:


A piglet kind of animal knit of Noro Kureyon. It took almost all of a single skein. The pattern was from one of those "Kureyon: The World of Nature" books that very strongly gives one the sense of having been translated (expertly in instructions but not quite culturally) from the Japanese.

The animal is supposed to be a teddy bear, and yes, the ears are correct to the pattern. I decided as I was knitting that it couldn't be a bear, maybe it was a rabbit but when I was done with it, I decided he had to be one of Piglet's friends or (more likely) relations.

I kind of like the little guy, though. I just call him "Piglet" - never having really tried to find a grander or more specific name.

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