Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Okay....what's with the tree climbing?

It just came over the internet-radio that Darryl Hannah ("The actress who played the mermaid in 'Splash'..." as they said) is up a tree, apparently as some kind of protest.

You know, sometimes I wonder, when several bizarre things happen at about the same time - things that are similar and that you wouldn't expect to happen regularly - I wonder if there's some kind of a message in it.

1 comment:

aufderheide said...

Ha ha, LA represents! yes, that's what passes for news around here. The channels and radio stations are on "Treewatch." Darryl Hannah's been keeping in touch with the press via cellphone while she's up there.

But there's an interesting issue at stake: the city is trying to close down this farm that has been a community garden and agricultural outpost in the urban sprawl. It's too bad, because it's nice to have that in the inner city, and if the farm had developed, it would have provided people with jobs.