Tuesday, June 20, 2006

More disjointed.

I won!

I won (well, co-won, as she says in the e-mail) Enjay's naming contest. So my prize is going to be 880 yards of over-dyed blue laceweight. Which I think will become a River Scarf (or River Stole if the 880 yards is enough for that - I don't remember, it's been a while since I looked at the pattern.

That makes me feel good, especially as I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, and if you've read for a while, you know I hate going to the dentist. (I do not hate my dentist. I hate what he has to do. The whole "hands and steel picks in the mouth" thing. It's just a checkup, but still).

Item 2:

Let the Balkanization of knitting proceed (Seen first at Like the Queen). I don't know - I think it's great all these different groups of people are knitting. But I kind of fear that the general 21st century American tendency to form special-interest groups that insist they're cooler or more special or more historically-oppressed than other special interest groups will just sort of take the fun out of it. You know. The Sharks and Jets kind of thing that seems to develop.

but if the Balkanization continues? I am SO writing a book called "Unhip People Knit!" that will have very traditional patterns in it, and also very fiddly patterns, such as for lace sampler shawls and multiply cabled socks. And the models will be ordinary "unpretty" people. So there.

Item the third:

I'm almost done with the "algae" neckscarf. I have six more rows to knit, then put the moebius twist in it and sew up the edges. Why did I put this away when it was so close to being finished? I guess I was on one of my cleaning rampages (probably before people were coming over). I'm going to have two and a part balls of the Landscapes left from it - I will probably make one of those watchcaps to put aside, either for a gift or for a "community knitting" box*

(*someone remarked that saying "community knitting" rather than "charity knitting" sounded less "lady-of-the-manor." Whatever.)

Antepenultimate item:

My Kureyon for the Rosedale came yesterday. It's a little more intense than I remembered the colorway being. I think I'll have to live with it a bit (It was on sale so I doubt I could send it back....and I don't hate it, I was just a bit surprised by it).

Item E:

I keep looking at some Stahl "Big Mexico" self-striping yarn (it's not one of the LOUD self stripers; it's called something like "forest berries" and it's mostly a moderate pinkish red) and debating whether to do a pullover vest or a button front vest with it.

if it were a pullover, it would have to have steeks, I think, because I hate the thought of interrupting the striping for the yokes. And a buttonfront would probably be more useful to me anyway - easier to take on and off. I'll have to consult my Handy Book of Patterns.

Last item:

Worked more on the current (pinwheel) quilt last night. At least now all the little triangles are cut. However, once I get each pair of triangles sewn together, they still need to be squared up. Squaring up is a PITA but it's necessary, especially on quilts where they pieces need to fit together well to make the pattern. I don't know how many blocks I have done for this one. Not enough. One thing I've learned with quilting is that you count as seldom as possible so you aren't rolling around on the floor, gripping your temples in psychic pain, going "96! I have to sew 96 pairs of triangles together before I can do anything else!"

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Congratulations on winning the contest!

You should write that book. I'd buy it right away, since it sounds a lot more interesting than a lot of the current crop. I really don't get why people knit undergarments; I can see things like the merino undershirt that Laura knits for Almanzo in The First Four Years so he doesn't freeze to death while milking the cow, but bikinis?

Since the stripes in Rosedale end up being so narrow, it does tone things down a bit. I did end up winding all of the yarn for mine into balls, noting the progression of colors, and then carefully plotting where to use each ball. This way, I did the intarsia bits in a darker color, which helped tone down the really bright rainbow colorway I used.