Tuesday, June 20, 2006

As I've said before, there are few more euphoric feelings for the dental-phobe than to be told, "Your teeth look perfect. Come back in six months." (I had been SURE I was going to either have a cavity or need a filling replaced - the past several times I have. But I got lucky this time).

So, on to the knitting:

Mmmmm, carrageenan*!


This is what I'm referring to as the algae hat and scarf set. (I made the algae hat last year - it was going to go in a community knitting box but I sort of fell in love with its funky greenness and I kept it). I just finished the scarf - it's the simple moebius on the Landscapes ball band.

(What? You want to see them on me? Nothing doing - it's really hot here. Hooooooot. Hot. Hooooooot in Tooooopeeeeeekaaaaaaaaa**. And not the good kind of hot.)

(*Carrageenan is an extract from certain red algae. It's very widely used in things like ice cream, and commercially-prepared chocolate milk, and puddings. It's a polysaccharide [iirc] and it gives things a creamy mouth-feel)

(**obscure "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" reference)

Secondly: Tchem asked yesterday if the hipness of knitting had jumped the shark .


Kenny asks: "Jumped? What? Where? I don't remember anything jumping me. Did you see something jump me?.....Now I'm worried!"

(I really do love Kenny, that's why he had to make another appearence. I think of all the critters I've knitted, he has to be my favorite.)

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