Monday, April 10, 2006

Well, I've discovered yet another chemical sensitivity: methanol fumes, even when the reaction is carried out under a hood in a room with decent ventilation.

Ugh. I had to prep something for my afternoon lab and I had insta-headache (which has lasted all day now) since. And my eyes are scratchy-watery. There are a lot of things that bug me - I'm not quite yet to the level of having to live in the Arizona desert and peg all my mail out on a clothesline for a day or two. But I do have to be careful about what kind of laundry detergent I use, and most solvents either send me into an asthma attack of give me migraines.

And I have an evening meeting tonight I had otherwise forgot about (I was thinking, yay, I can go home and take off my shoes and get into old clothes and lie on my bed and read). And I'm stuck here until the silly water distiller fills itself up again. (shaking fist at newly-imposed low water pressure in building).

I want to finish Fred the Robot tonight, but I don't know if I'll get to - it all depends on the stupid still. (I could run home but then I'd have to run back and the whole time I'd be at home I'd be envisioning it overfilling and running all over the floor...)

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