but next year? They can eat the stinking meatballs cold. Or I'll make something that doesn't need heating.
So, I came home and made TOMORROW'S batch of meatballs (they turned out well and one woman asked me for the recipe, so I guess it was worth it). The balls and sauce are now in the fridge (separately) to await being combined and cooked in the slow-cooker tomorrow.
And, it is snowing, which did a little bit for my mood. I don't think the Evening Activities will be cancelled - it's not like Dallas where it's now apparently Freezing Rain Hell On Earth, it's just a little snow. But that's okay.
That's my house! In the snow! You can't quite see the lights of the Christmas tree in my living room window (the lit window).
You can also see that I walk very duck-footed. And that I didn't close my main front door, just the screen door, before taking the picture.
And Eggbert! In the snow! This is my "small white van." (some of you will get where that comes from). I'm going to have to take a broom and brush the snow off before I go back out in a few minutes. You can see my across-the-street neighbor's icicle lights; those are very big here. I'd have outdoor lights except I don't have an outdoor electrical outlet and I don't have the energy to either drill a hole through my window frame to run a cord through, or cut a notch out of my front door to run one out through there.
That sounds like a wise decision on the ticket. It's annoying how there seem to be people who can break the rules all the time and never get in trouble, whereas for others, the very slightest of transgressions brings trouble.
You have a really nice house. It looks quite festive in the snow.
The meatballs do sound good.
Your house is adorable! You've done good work on it, I can see.
Eggbert is cute too. Now I'll have to think of a name for my car.
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