Settin' 'em up, and knockin' 'em down.
(that's how my father used to describe days when there are lots of errands to be run or lots of little tasks to do). Got my allergy shot, took my car out to the dealer - between those I got the next day's biostats prepped. (I begin analysis of variance, and if it's not too hopelessly geeky of me to say so, I love analysis of variance. It has a beautiful sort of logic about it, the way it works.)
My car's "I-AC" (don't know how it's spelled: Iack? Eye-ack? IAK?) valve is failing. The good news is it can be replaced. The bad news is it's expensive. The good news is that when the ordered part comes in, it will take less than 1/2 hour to change it.
The mechanic told me that it does essentially the same thing as a choke would on an older car. Then, the problems I was having made total sense to me - it is just like needing a choke and not having one. (I like the mechanics out there. They never talk down to me but they also never obfuscate what's going on by using mechanic-ese.)
So now, I'm going to try to enter the rest of my data between now and 4 pm or so.
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