Well, the main thing I had to do today was to take the re-analysis of the data that my advisor did on the spangly new version of the software, re-run the data on my clunky old version of the software, and test for correlation between the results to see if it was possible to justify our saying, "Yeah, it's okay to trust the results from back in 1998 for the publication that should be coming out in 2006" or whether we'd have to rerun the whole blessed thing and start from scratch. If the p values were bigger than .05 and the r2 values lower than .85 or so, it would be a world 'o' hurt for me.
Here are the correlation results:
Axis 1: p<.0001, r2 1.0
Axis 2: p<.0001, r2 .99
Axis 3: p<.0001, r2 .98
I love it when a plan comes together < /Hannibal >
along with mad murdoch, ba baracas, and be damned if i can think what dirk benedict's character's name was. i knew i liked you! i always had a secret liking for the A-team, lol
my dad was a huge fan of action shows like a-team and dukes. also starsky & hutch and baretta. anything with lots of visual. he was hard of hearing, and couldn't read very fast, so the captions usually went to fast for him on comedy shows (although he liked 3's company, with all the slapstick humor), but give him a car with a racing engine, and lots of fights, and he was happy as a clam. boy, i miss him.
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