(to quote an 80s song).
Today was one of those days when you want to go find that Murphy b*stard and strangle him. Oh, I'm not complaining, not really, not when I've got (as I said earlier) a roof over my head and potable water coming out of the tap, but today was a series of occurrences that ranged from mindbendingly weird to just frustrating.
Think ten stubbed toes and you're kind of there. Ten stubbed toes and a young child throwing up on a tablecloth at a place you begged and pleaded for permission to use, and said you'd leave so clean no one would ever know you were there. (The tablecloth is in the wash right now. I hope the Clorox II works on white polyester. If this goes well, I can sneak it back tomorrow at noon - the place doesn't open on Fridays but I have a key - and no one will ever know).
But at any rate - I got home late tonight (think 8:45) and saw a box on my front porch. A well-traveled looking box. A box almost totally composed (or so it appeared) of Priority Mail tape.
I was immediately on my guard - you have to understand, this was a day of such total weirdness that I feared someone had maybe taped a feral puppy into the box and left it for me, or worse, that some variant of the Unabomber was running around.
So, very trepidatiously, I brought the box in.
Then I saw the return address.
Diann had emailed me a while back (before my last trip) commenting that she and Ken had found something at an antique store they thought I would like. So they had sent it on. (Then I saw the UPS header and it all made sense - I was concerned about a postal-mail box because I had got my mail much earlier in the day, and the box wasn't part of it).
So I opened it up.
And I was gobsmacked (this time, in a good way):
The antique items - note, itemS - are a set of embroidered pillowcases (which I love; I have a pair I'm slowly working on) and a small pink Depression-glass dish. (Which will go on my dining room shelves).
There's also yarn there - a skein of Sockotta and a big 600 yard hank of pink, blue, and lavender yarn that Diann said she could not wear. (I'm thinking smallish shawl).
And there are candles (including one of my favorites, "Clean Cotton") and some soap and some Mary Engelbreit stationery, and "Nancy Drew's Guide to Life."
Wow - thank you so much. And how fortutious it came on what had been a rather unpleasant day. I'm always amazed at the generosity of knitters.
1 comment:
Glad you liked the surprises, and that it came on a day when you needed it.
The pink, blue and lavendar yarn reminded me of opals, which I love and so I snatched it up at Stitches West a couple of years ago. I've finally realized it wasn't meant for me, as much as I loved it, and hope you'll use it and enjoy it.
And thank you so much for the donation - totally not necessary but absolutely a wonderful thing to do. That's where my donations are going as well.
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