It's the sunset-colored Shape It! scarf, done with short-rows.
I really like how the edge turned out; it looks so much better using the short-rowing method.
And here it is on:
And another good thing - over a YEAR ago I submitted a couple manuscripts to a proceeding. Never heard back, assumed that they had got lost (I had them prepared early and rather than e-mailing them, I brought physical copies of the mss. to the meeting I was at and handed them to the person in charge.) I just never got around to e-mailing the proceedings editor to find out what was up, I was assuming that I'd have to just rewrite and resubmit somewhere else.
Well, I got an e-mail dated Friday. One of the papers was rejected (but I'm not too surprised; it wasn't a very strong paper - I will have more data in another year or two and I can rewrite). But the other - it was accepted with revisions. And the revisions are really very minor! Mostly stylistic things that will easily be taken care of in a couple hours' work. (They need it back by Sept. 30, so I have plenty of time to do it). I'm really happy and excited about this - it was basically a paper I had given up for lost, and here it is, almost ready to be published! (Those of you not experienced in academia maybe don't comprehend the sense of joy and RELIEF at getting a paper accepted, or essentially so. It's a very important part of our careers to publish, and especially getting published in a national proceedings makes me VERY happy.)
one reviewer's comment was "Nicely done." Makes me VERY happy, again.
The scarf turned out really nice! Short rowing makes so much more sense for this than (my extremely messy) e-wraps.
Have a good vacation!
BTW, I hear McKinney has a new WalMart that's "green"! Have you checked it out?
green walmarts. hmmm. anyway, good for you! just remember to tuck this memory away for when you're feeling inadequate, and say "wait a minute, i AM good!" it's what i try to do, lol. enjoy your vacation, you'll be missed
That's a really pretty scarf.
Congratulations on the paper! That's wonderful.
Have a great vacation!
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