Monday, July 25, 2005

It never fails to amaze me how much dealing with ONE difficult person can screw up my attitude and wear me down.

I had that experience today - let's just say it's a person providing a service who charged more than expected and provided less service than expected. And this person is trying to make me feel like the Bad Guy because I'm complaining about the cost.

And they were just - there was just this unpleasant tone in the person's voice when I talked to them. Like they were the Big Boss and I was the Misbehaving Employee. I'm very sensitive to that; I'm actually a person who's rather easily bullied.

This is a business I've had bad vibes from for the past 2 years. It's time for me to cut ties with them and go somewhere else.

(this is not a yarn-related post; the business is not one any of you would ever be likely to use).

It's just surprising to me how a single person can suck all the energy and joy out of me and leave me tired and borderline teary and just wanting to go home.

Which I am going to do, now. It's almost 30* C in my office, I'm tired, I'm sort of hungry (aw man, what will I eat for dinner...I don't feel like cooking and the one place I'd consider getting carryout - the local barbeque joint - is closed this week because the family that runs it is on vacation). And I have to bake a Funeral Cake.

One of the older members of my church died Saturday. His funeral is tomorrow - I won't be able to go, class commitment, and I didn't know him all *that* well. But I did offer to supply food for the funeral lunch, and they asked me to bake a cake. So I'm going to go home and do that, and knit on my Bookworm Vest while it's baking, and try to forget about having to deal with unpleasant and difficult people for a few hours.

1 comment:

Diann Lippman said...

I've pretty much spent this afternoon with energy- and emotion-sucking vampires, and agree 100%. Right now, I want to crawl into my cave and pull the door in after me!

Zelda is lovely! And the color is wonderful on you - makes me long for the holidays and cooler weather.

I've been contemplating Zelda ever since I bought the book she's in. Probably even have the yarn...