Sunday, April 17, 2005

Well, this is either the allergy attack from Hell, or my body has done its usual stress-response and for some undefined period of time shut down the immune defenses, and I got a cold.

No fever yet, but horrible horrible scratchy throat, sneezing, nose like a faucet, and body aches. Gee, thanks, body! Way to maintain those interleukins! I'd hate to see what happens if I get even more stress than what I saw last week...

I'm still holding out a weak hope it's an allergy attack, because it developed to its worst after the trash-off day Saturday, when I was out for three hours in all the pollen, and being exposed to mold in the horrible half-rotten stuff that consitituted some of the trash. (and thank YOU, residents and transients through the town where I live, for being such pigs, and forcing those of us with a bit of civic pride to go out a couple times a year and pick up your ordure...)

So, even though I'm feeling crook, I did manage to finish the first Regia Patch Antik sock (and immediately cast on for the other). I also added a few more rows to the Zelda pullover before succumbing to the interest of the book I was reading ("Pi in the Sky," about the history of arithmetic and mathematics. Did you know that many so-called "primitive" cultures used a base-2 [binary, for you computer types] counting system? And some used base 8? And maybe there was a point where base 12 was used? Seriously. There's linguistic evidence for it. Freaky stuff.) and put it aside. I also did the handsewing part of attaching the binding to the Chocolate Brown and Pink quilt, so that's done now.

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