Tuesday, April 12, 2005

At this rate, I may not have a second class today....

I've had people calling me, coming in to hand in their homeworks. Doctor's appointments, "family emergencies," etc., etc.

I know it's wrong of me to get irritated, but I am. This time of year, the classes dwindle almost to nothing some days. Sometimes it's field trips for other classes. Sometimes it's "extra credit" for other classes (I'm sorry, but I think it's WRONG to offer extra credit such that students are enticed to skip a regular class). I had people in my 8:00 class ask if they could get extra credit for showing up (my response: "I don't get paid extra for all the many things I do." [still thinking about that meeting yesterday]).

I expect I'll get the same question, and give the same response, at 11:00.

I don't know. I don't get it. Am I some kind of a chump for doing what I'm supposed to do, and more, without expecting some kind of compensation? Or do the people asking to be given credit just for showing up just have a super, over-developed sense of entitlement?

I fear for what the workplace will be like, 10 years from now. Constant bargaining with bosses: "If I type this report, can I leave early?" "Can I get an extra hour off at lunch because I was here at 8 this morning?" I hope the bosses stand firm and say no, or else we're going to devolve into a society where nothing gets done because everyone is bargaining for everything all the time.

I mean, goodness. I was always taught that doing the work well was in part, its own reward. I can't cope with this weasel, stuff-grubbing, "I'll-do-it-if-you-give-me-a-cookie" attitude. Don't parents say "Do it because I asked you to" any more?

1 comment:

Bess said...

Alas. No. I've been watching the decline for 25 years. Fortunately, every generation sees the same thing. We can only hope our tunnel vision is but the gathering of light onto a single point.

I tell myself it is not worse than Charles II's court or the London stews of Victorian England.