My Easter was quiet, but nice. After church, I came home and made Rachael Ray's recipe for pork schnitzel, and had red cabbage, applesauce, and mashed potatoes with it.
I also kept the television and radio assiduously off. I don't have a lot to say on the Terri Schaivo case, aside from the fact that I find the blizzard of relentless news coverage unseemly. I find any case where "it bleeds, it leads" or "the family cries, the story flies" pretty unseemly. I think the proliferation of around-the-clock news channels has led to this. Or at least a worsening of it. Human misery should not be entertainment - and I think that some of what the 24 hour news channels does borders on a form of morbid entertainment.
I hate television news and yet I feel the need to be at least minimally informed about what is going on in the world (and my local paper's coverage of World Events stops once it gets outside of a fifty-mile radius of my town, or it's dropped if the high school sports coverage needs more space).
So anyway.
So here's what I did instead, while listening to Hadyn and Mozart and Bach:
This is the start of the "soft cables moebius" by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer. I am using the Elann "baby alpaca and silk" yarn. It's hard to photograph something black and have it show up well.
I also finished all the blocks - and squared them all up to 4 1/2" - for the Chocolate Brown and Pink quilt. I don't always bother to square blocks up but in this case I did, because a lot of the effectiveness of the quilt stems from the latticework fitting precisely. (Squaring up is a tedious step and I'm usually too lazy, or too eager to get on to the next step, to do it).
By the time that was done, I was too tired to try laying the quilt out, so here are a dozen blocks laid out as a sample of what it will look like:
I'm really happy with how it looks like it's going to turn out. This is a 4x3 array of blocks; the full quilt will be 8 x 10. Then, there's also a border that goes around the outside. I have a fabric in my stash - one of those "orphan" fabrics that I bought because I liked it and because it was 50% off if I took what was left on the bolt, but which I had no plans for. It works really well with the other colors in the quilt. It makes me happy to find a purpose for fabrics I had bought.
Next, I think, will be another pink and green quilt. I've been looking at my quilt books more again. It's nice to have the quilt shop that does quilting - I'm a lot more inclined to want to piece tops if I know I can get them quilted instead of having to store them until some indeterminate future day when I will have time to quilt them.
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