Monday, February 07, 2005

Okay, maybe I'm being over-sensitive here, it being close to That Day and all (and it's HOT in my office today, and it's That Time and all). But:

Why on EARTH do people do things like "special couple's pricing" when it's a situation where a couple will not be cheaper to serve?

There was a concert scheduled - I sort of thought of going to it but it's in one of the town "wedding chapel" type places (not funky Vegas wedding chapel but lace-drippy gooey ultrafeminine wedding "experience" places). AND they sent around an email in fancy flowery script advertising it as an ideal Valentine's day thing (it's almost a week before the actual day).

The kicker? Ticket prices: $25 for a couple; $15 for a single.

Now, I ask you: is the couple going to take up less than twice the space of two singles? (This is just a concert - no meal, no dancing, none of that.) Why punish the pitiful single people who just want to hear some classical music? Why make us feel inadequate because we can't dredge up someone to "escort" us. (And I wonder, this part of the country being what it is, what they would do if two men or two women showed up and said "We're a couple. Now give us the special rate.").

(Yes, I realize you could also look at it as a price-break for married couples and especially for married couples with kids who will also have to pay a babysitter, but this is MY pity party).

I don't know. I do know I don't take up any more than half the space of a couple. That price-structure just destroyed any desire I may have had to go to the concert (Well, that wasn't already destroyed by knowing it was going to be set in Ye Little Fake Church Where We Don't Actually Worship, We Just Marry People).

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