Taken without flash, so it's a bit dark, but the flash washed out the stitches too much.
The outermost panel is called "Flower of the Forest" (I think that refers to Hiawatha's bride). The next panels in are arrowheads. The centermost panel represents Minnehaha's waterfall.
Two repeats have been done on the panel so far. I'm still seriously considering going with fewer than the suggested 10 repeats to make shawl shorter.
and: it's t-0 days for the youth dance. I'll be really glad once this has gone off without any hitches. I'm too good at imagining potential problems, ranging from technical difficulties with the stereo to kids doing inappropriate styles of dancing. Part of the reason I've made no birthday plans for this weekend (it's Sunday) is that I'm so tied up in knots about wanting everything to be right for this dance, that I can't see past tonight.
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