So here are some pictures. First of all, here's a sort-of off-center (but it was the best picture I could get) of the quilt top I pieced this summer. It's in purples and greens and has a vineyard theme:
Here's a closeup of the border. I did not quilt it; the ladies at the church my mom belongs to did:
Finally, here's an artistic-mistake shot showing the progress on the new sweater, and attempting to show the color in the afternoon light coming through my living room window:
I'm plugging away on the Landscapes scarf; that's the closest-to-done thing and I've decided I want to finish something.
I also have to admit to casting on for another project. I bought some JoAnn's yarn over break, one of their new novelty yarns called "Whisper." I want to make a simple rollbrim hat out of it. But so far, I am finding it < comicbookguy > Most Annoying Yarn Ever < /comicbookguy >. It just does not behave well. And at first I cast on too tightly, and tried to rip the cast off out. You cannot rip back in this yarn. You must simply cut the spoiled bit away and start over. I love the way the yarn looks, and I think I will love the hat when it's done, but the yarn is just annoying as heck. (It might work better for crocheting.)
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