Friday, April 30, 2004

Well, now, I have a dilemma.

My student papers were due today. Less than three-quarters of them have been turned in.

Do I sit here in my office - which will mean going without lunch, and going home during the worst of the predicted storms - so I can wait for the people who are probably frantically printing as I write this? Or do I go home, make myself a nice chicken sandwich with a green salad on the side, grade the ones I've got, and toddle back here at five p.m. (if the weather is not too bad) to see if any have been turned in.

Or do I toddle home for lunch, and then run back here, and wind up spending the afternoon in my office, listening to my colleagues' discussions, the students clunking up and down the halls in their Dr. Scholl's, and the Spike Jones music one colleague uses to avoid being driven mad while trying to grade student plant collections, and as a result, get less work done because I have both real (see above) and imagined (students coming to my door) distractions.

Well, two more papers just came in. I think my plan to toddle home, eat a nice lunch, grade with a cup of tea at my elbow, and then come back if - IF - the weather is OK at five pm is the best way to go.

not much knitting is going on, I'm afraid. I did add a bit more to the Kilimanjaro Kat shawl last night, but it's at the long slow slog stage, so it's not very interesting to discuss. I'm midway through row 11 of the border.

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