Friday, February 06, 2004

Well, despite everything, I managed to finish the third repeat of the DNA cable on the scarf.

And may I just comment on something that annoys me: if you agree to do something, and cannot do it, do not just blow off the group you agreed to help. CALL THEM. I was put in the position last night of having to give an extemporaneous talk on something (which I don't particularly mind doing, but it's still the principle of the thing) because the person who was supposed to talk didn't show and didn't call and we were all sitting there for like an hour waiting for this person. Gah.

I am so very glad it's the weekend, even though I have two exams to write and a whole bunch of student proposals to grade. I am going to go home and take the phone off the hook and put some Bach on and just work and not allow any one to interrupt me to ask me to do something that is not really my responsibility.

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