Monday, September 01, 2003

Roman Statue found wearing socks with sandals.

Okay, so the news outfits are, to a man, using the phrase "fashion blunder" or "fashion faux pas". I prefer to think of it as documentary evidence that even the ancients thought it was OK.

Now I can claim that there is precedence for the Birkenstock and handknit sock combination.

because I'll be d____d if I'm going to wear out my fancy socks in a pair of hot boxy shoes where no one can see them.

And apparently, it is quite a common thing, at least among British men: the sandalandsoxer site. (Except all of those look like commercial socks to me).

OK, I admit that the sandal-short-sport-sock-and-shorts combination isn't so hot, and the white socks with dark slacks and sandals looks a bit odd, but frankly - I don't see what people are grousing about. It's not like they are exposing an ugly part of their anatomy (see: American teenagers and buttcracklow pants; see: starlets and tops sliced to the navel). It's not like the sandalsockers are flaunting ANYTHING.

If anything, they may be saving us the sight of their unattractive toenails. (Oh, come on, most people's toenails are pretty unattractive. Mine are.)

This is just one of those things that makes me go: "If this is the worst thing you can find to complain about, your life is pretty darned good." And yet, it seems to so often be the target of all the saved-up snark of otherwise sensible people.

Once again: if people wearing socks and sandals are the biggest thing that irks you in this world, you are truly one of the blessed.

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