Monday, September 22, 2003

all I have to say for today is:

mean people suck.

people who pull the old "you're not allowed to feel bad about anything because my life is so much worse than yours" temper tantrum infuriate but also exhaust me - I don't know a non-lashing-out way to respond to someone who feels the need to say "I see your dead friend and raise you relatives who lost everything in a fire." Playing "trauma poker" is an absurd way to deal with the human condition. I mean, how does it freakin' help to make me feel guilty that I feel bad over stuff going on in my life? What's the correct response? "You win, It's clear to me now that I'm an awful person for feeling bad about such a petty thing"? That's almost what I said.

people. who needs 'em. someday I will totally snap and will run off to live in a cabin in the woods. Just me and my books and my yarn.

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