Friday, March 07, 2025

Week is done

 I'm trying - slowly - to get the ribbing on the vest done so I can move on to the body. I give a couple exams next week and I'd like to be there before I go for them - I don't want to have to do a LOT of counting while trying to give an exam. 

I also got the heel turned on the second ombre sock

But, I really need to clean the house up this weekend. I'm not going anywhere tomorrow, unLESS Michael's calls me to say my painting is framed (they promised it to me "March 8 or earlier" but I suspect that was ambitious, and who knows what supply chain screw ups have started - the last time I was in the wal-mart there were a LOT of empty shelves)

It's also supposed to be chilly and rainy. We've had really up and down weather and my sinuses aren't happy.

At least I'm caught up on the urgent things for next week - all the grading, the exams are done and in to the print shop, I've got things ready to go for the labs. I will need to be sure to have enough time to get packed and to do things like print off my ticket before next Friday.

I really need a break. I'm just tired and I find I'm not sleeping well; I think it's just the combination of stress with what's going on in government, and the stress of "why don't we see any guys doing the construction we were promised would be done by May in our building," and trying to get everything done, and I've been having, if not exactly unpleasant, slightly stressful dreams - mostly trying to get things done and not being able to.  

So I'm hoping a little time away might help? I don't know.

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