Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A quick post

 Tired tonight. I was on my feet more today (class and lab, and then after lab I took the time to set up the lab for tomorrow) but I am finding that I can walk/stand for longer times and more without pain. Oh, there's still PAIN - but if I sit down for a few minutes it resolves. I am hoping that means it's just weakness from basically being immobile for a month plus.

Also my thigh muscles are starting to complain from the lack of exercise. I really hope the MRI looks good and the doctor tells me it's time for PT. 


Also tonight was Ash Wednesday - unlike the Catholic churches, we do an evening service (I remember in college my Catholic classmates walking around all day with the ashes on their foreheads.

I admit, the whole "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" thing hits harder now - after having lost so many people over the past five years, and having an injury that MIGHT lead to surgery for me (surgery scares me; I'm afraid I'll die under the anesthetic), and also just the general feeling of "nothing good ever stays" after other losses (And the pandemic, that really affected me). 

But here's Chalcedony, at least as far as I got during the Tuesday exam this week

It LOOKS small, but there are wide front bands that get knit on at the end, and it's a sweater designed to be work open (there are no buttonholes or places for buttons). Still, I hope it fits.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

We get ashes on Wednesday evening in our Presbyterian church. I think it's a good thing in an ecumenical way.