Tuesday, February 02, 2021

a little giveaway

 So, back when I thought I had lost my Stitch watch, and also back when I had a $25 credit at Amazon, I ordered myself a Minnie Mouse watch, like this one:

It never came, and never came - and another item I had ordered was going the WRONG direction (went from Tulsa to Iowa City) and so I contacted Amazon and said "I don't know what to do" and the seller said "I'll send you out a new one, I'll include a mailing label so you can return it if the original one shows up"

Well, both showed up. But no mailing label! So I went through Amazon Chat and the person who talked with me said "too much trouble for us to process it, dispose of or give away the second one"

So: if you would like a Minnie Mouse watch (yes, her arms are the hands of the watch, like the old Mickey watches), first person who e-mails me gets it. It's too large for my niece right now - it's an adult woman's watch. My sister in law and mom aren't Minnie fans, so no point in saving it for their birthdays. I'd rather just send it out and if it brightens someone's day, that's a good thing. 

I suppose if I don't get a "taker" in a little while I could drop it off at Goodwill or somewhere, I don't know, but I'd rather it go to someone I "know" (or a loved one of someone I know; if you have a sister or a wife or an adult daughter who would like it I'll send it out, too)

(ETA: watch is already spoken for, thanks)

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

I need to give away some stuff. Actually, I did recently.
I bought the six-CD The Beatles (White album), making the 3 CD set redundant. So I gave it away to a friend.

I have books, peace buttons, and other miscellanies.