One good, one not so good:
- when I (finally, see next item) got home for lunch, there was a big box from Adagio Teas on my front porch. I do not remember ordering anything so I assume it is a gift and have pasted a bow on it and set it under the tree for Christmas. If it was you that sent it - I know it's not my mom and I doubt my brother knows about Adagio tea - thank you
- But on my way home, I witnessed a car accident. Probably not serious. The car ahead of me (we have a stop street on Mulberry; Third is a through street) pulled through too early and someone coming down Third (I saw them coming from where I was at the stop sign and said to myself, that first car isn't going to clear the intersection in time) couldn't stop and ran into the car. I don't THINK anyone was hurt but I called the police anyway because, I don't know any more if that's the right thing to do (I don't know any more what is right to do in many situations) but that's what I was taught in driver's ed so I did it. The dispatcher didn't need me to stay so I went home and made lunch. I figured if they needed me they could call me back, I called on my cell phone and I'm sure the number comes through when you do that. The two drivers were talking to each other so presumably no one was hurt badly. But yeah, that's stressful
I am ready for things not to be so much and so fast all the time
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