Monday, October 19, 2020

Welcome to Monday

 Definitely a jarring start to the week. Driving in, I witnessed what was most likely a road-rage incident. (I know, right? In my tiny nothing town!).

Some guy was stopped in his car in the middle of a block, leaning out the window, screaming, and giving the one-finger salute to the several cars behind him. It ended fairly quickly - he pulled back in the car and drove off quickly - before I really had a chance to react (and what does one do, anyway? Nope out of there with the idea of "I don't wanna be there when the shooting starts"? Call the police, which might wind up making things worse, unless you actually see the guy pull a weapon?)

It was doubly jarring because Sirius XM was playing an Offenbach overture - Journey on the Moon - which I presume is from a comic operetta, based on what I know of Offenbach and how the music sounded.

But it made me sad driving in the rest of the way: I can try so hard to be kind and good, I can strive to try to make the world around me better, but it doesn't matter, ultimately, because there are people like that guy who just....cancel it all out. 

I want to believe that love wins and love and kindness beat hate and rage, but...some days it's just hard. 

I have no idea what precipitated the guy's anger - it clearly wasn't being cut off because he was reacting to cars behind him. And there was no evidence of an accident and when he turned sharply in front of me to go onto a side street I saw no damage to his bumper. So I don't even know. 

But yeah, I guess that's our society now - many people angry, many people going the route of crudeness in order to, I guess, soothe their own feelings? I'm not altogether sure what that kind of thing accomplishes. Certainly I would be afraid of escalating anything - if a driver was driving rudely or badly around me, my inclination is to change my route so I get away from them.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Dissipation of anger. The guy needs a blog...