Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Today ended badly

 Last night, when I ran the dishwasher, towards the end of the cycle, I noticed a little water dripping out from under the sink cabinet. I groaned inwardly and said to myself, "a hose must have popped off, you will have to not use it until you can get someone in to look at it"

Well, I used the sink this morning and when I first got home.

Went back into the kitchen. Smelled ozone. Thought "that's weird" and then I heard a hissing noise under the sink.

Well, long story short: the PVC drain pipe had broken and was leaking. A power strip I had under there and still plugged in (it's a long story, but at least I wasn't using it) was shorting out in the water that had accumulated - I ran and threw the breaker and pulled the plug. I had a plastic tub under there holding cleaning supplies - which are all in the trash now along with the power strip. I managed to bail the water out of the tub until I could carry it out the front door.

But, yeah.

I called the plumber I use; they will send someone tomorrow afternoon after I get out of school. It will be expensive and I'm sad and also I'll have to rush and clean up the kitchen a bit (as much as I can) before the guy gets here. 

(I hope the plumber isn't a covidiot. Especially based on bad thing #2:)

My oldest cousin - he was some 30 years older than I am and it had been a few years since I had seen him - died of COVID.

He had broken a hip (I think he had some other health issues) and wound up in a nursing home, where he caught COVID. They took him to the hospital but apparently by that point it was kind of late and the hospital was also overwhelmed - and he laid on a gurney in the ER until he died.

It wasn't long.

His widow did tell my mom that "at least he didn't linger long" but of course for the weeks he was in the nursing home she was unable to see him.

I don't know. I don't feel as sad as about losing Chum or losing Tom before him but I think at this point I'm just kind of numb to all the loss, all the bad things. 

But yeah. COVID is absolutely real and anyone who says it isn't can kiss my patoot. 

I'm just hoping the plumber fix is easy and not too ruinously expensive. 

I'm so tired, though. So tired of things going wrong, so tired of bad news, so tired of trying to hard to do the right thing and the kind thing and still getting dumped on by the universe.


Anonymous said...

I’m so sorry for all of this, especially the death of your cousin.

It does seem when it rains it pours. We’ve had so many things break down during COVID and have had to deal with repairmen coming into the house. So stressful.

Have you ever considered meditation? I started using an app (on my phone) because my anxiety is so high lately, and it does seem like it’s helping. I always thought it was too New-Agey for me, but I am now seeing the benefit of it.— Grace

Roger Owen Green said...

Sorry about your cousin.
I think the COVID era (or whatever) has made us less resilient sometimes (and more at other times); I think it's that our biorhythms are overly accentuated...