Thursday, July 02, 2020

And out again...

I have been, comparatively speaking (certainly for pandemic times, and really, even for a typical summer for me) a real social butterfly this week:

Monday through Wednesday: delivered Meals on Wheels, which meant I got to see and talk to several people from church, and also see one or two people I actually knew who are now homebound

This morning: went shopping at Pruett's and I have Blue Bell fudge-bars in the freezer and I am going to have one for dessert after dinner tonight, and I have milk ahead for the coming week and salad and more oatmeal.

And then, this afternoon, Dana and Bill's wedding. Dana is (was, and I hope sometime again will be) the bell-choir director at church. She is also the person - and I just remembered this on the way home - who came and sat with me and *even packed my suitcase for me* last year when I had to make that trip north as my dad was dying. So yes, I wanted to be at her wedding, pandemic or no.

(This is a second marriage for both of them - they are in their late 60s/early 70s. She is a widow, and I *think* he is a widower rather than divorced.)

There were only about 25 people there, nearly all of them masked and sitting far enough apart in the pews for social distancing. We didn't sing - in fact, they had taken away the hymnals and the cushions in the pews for cleanliness' sake. It was a quick ceremony.

I got there a little early; I live mere blocks from the church and I never know how early to show up for things. I saw a number of people - Mike, and Brandolyn, and Cindy, all of whom I had seen at the Meals on Wheels, but also a few people (our pianist and her husband) that I have not seen in four literal months and I admit I could feel myself tearing up a little as I waved to them.

It was an interesting ceremony. Strange in some ways - so few people, and very short, and everyone masked up - and yet, there were familiar things, too. There was a tiny little girl (a great-niece, I think) who was a flower girl who scattered rose petals.

And the music was different - entirely recorded, of course (I think we won't be able to sing in public again until there's been a vaccine for a while). They played, let me see if I can remember:

Wake me up, before you Go-Go
I feel good
Somebody to love

I forget what they played as a processional now because I was all caught up with "are we going to stand like at more formal weddings" (we didn't) and wasn't paying attention.

And I admit, I nearly teared up again during the vows. Though I guess that's pretty normal. Part of it was just the general "lots of people cry at weddings" but part of it was also that it's SO strange and SO different to see a wedding during a pandemic.....but also something almost like relief? I guess? The feeling that "here's ONE thing that is happy during this time, here's one thing  that is good"

Also, being in the sanctuary again - the place that has essentially been a second home to me (much more so than my work place) for the 20 years I've lived here, the place I've worried over (during the congregational split, and the times when we lost ministers, and the seemingly dwindling membership), the place that I've felt valued in a way my workplace never valued me....and so being back, especially for a happy thing, was kind of emotional.

(I was there, oh, last week was it? For Mr. Tucker's funeral. But then I sat in the little side chapel and I was worried about all the people around - there were lots more for that, and it was also the first time I had been out in a crowd since early March, and I was worrying about the reception)

But also...well, like I said, they're both about 10-20 years older than I am, and they found each other, and it maybe gives me a tiny wild hope....

They had written their own vows (which I admit I would not choose to do, were it me, but it's their wedding and the vows weren't "weird" in the way personal vows are sometimes lampooned as being)

And then they played a bit of "Louie Louie" as the recessional. Yes. That's the first wedding I've ever been at that did something like that.

(Then again, in that church I've also been to a memorial service where both the Ave Maria and show tunes were part of the music. Disciples of Christ tend to be very....individual....people)

And yes, I did hug Dana on my way out the door. We were both masked and I know she's been careful and darnit, the risk, however small, was worth it (and anyway, I've read that hugging, when your faces don't come into contact, is safer than almost any other kind of affectionate gesture) and I congratulated Bill.

There's a reception at a local restaurant later tonight but I have decided not to go - if it's outdoors, it will be far too hot, and if it's indoors.....well, I am not doing "indoors" on restaurants until we have a vaccine. I gently demurred when one of the women asked if I was going but I garaged my car and am in my pajamas already, so.

I can tell, though, I met my minimum weekly requirement with actual interaction with other humans and I feel worlds better than I did in some of the weeks when the only other person I spoke with was my mom over the phone.

Hopefully we can figure out some kind of way to safely "do church" in person again soon. I think that would help me a lot.

I also got another lab mostly written today, and that helps too


Jay said...

Glad to hear you are getting out. Hope you continue to get out and enjoy being out of the house and yard.

Roger Owen Green said...

You wild and crazy woman!