Thursday, May 07, 2020

leaving this here

I'm having a little bit of a hard morning (emotionally, though I'm also having some hip pain, as I think I tweaked my hip working in the yard the other day, and being in low-level pain makes my mood worse).

I got the grading done up to this point (mostly catch-up with people being late, and I am just allowing late work up through tomorrow, because this has been hard on everyone and I'd rather someone pass by my having to grade their stuff under the wire than have them fail because of a due date).

I made another mask:

This one is using a more shaped pattern with no pleats. It fits a little better but maybe next time I try the medium size - this one is a little big.

I lined it with horse fabric leftover from a pillowcase I made:

But the real reason I'm doing a quick post is to leave a link here so it's easy for me to find it again: during the pandemic, the Ghibli Museum in Japan has been doing video tours and they made a YouTube channel of them. Maybe this evening I will watch some of them - that might be nice.

I have counseling this afternoon but I'm not even sure what to talk about. Most of my frustrations are things I recognize are beyond my control. And I'm lonely, but that's also beyond my control, mostly. I mean, how do you fix problems that are caused by things outside your power? All you can do is rely on your stubbornness to wait the bad situation out....


Roger Owen Green said...

be well

Joan said...

The dress suits you, and it’s nice to see you in bright colors!

I hope you feel like keeping up the talk therapy. For me it’s proven to be the gold standard in self-care.

All will be well.