Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Two quick things

1. Have seen several news stories about children selling their toys/giving up money they earned for going on a trip for Bahamian hurricane relief. And I"m going to go against the general grain on this but:

This is not heartwarming, it is dysfunctional.

Children should not have to take on adult worries. Oh, I know that far too many do, because adults these days tend NOT to be adults, and too many kids are caring for siblings younger than them, or trying to peacemake in the family, or being the person who cooks/does cleaning/whatever.

Children will have at least 60 years (barring some horrible early death) to have adult worries. Let them be children.

In this case? Adults need to step up and contribute. Especially adults who can spare it. (And yes, even though I'm violating the commands of Matthew 6 here: I sent $100 the other day to my denomination's Week of Compassion, and I may send some to Mercy Corps. I regularly donate to them but this would be an "over and above my usual monthly amount).

I still believe children under 12 or so should be mostly insulated from the news. They shouldn't be made into little anxious adults too soon.

2. I desperately need something good to happen to me. Something REALLY good, not the stupid "Well, I guess I order something I want off of Amazon as a consolation prize for today being terrible" thing - reconnecting with an old friend, or meeting a new friend, or some kind of big unexpected work success or an opportunity to go and do something wonderful and fun.

I'm going to have to gird my loins today and go in and tell my chair that this assessment task that's been dumped on my head, I either need a lot of help with it or I need someone ELSE to do it for this year because I am absolutely flailing and am to the point where I am fantasizing about getting sick or injured (with something recoverable-from, don't worry about me too much) so that I could have at least a few days' respite where I CAN'T do anything and other people will attend to my needs.

Added, about 9:30: horrible thought: what if I've used up my lifetime allotment of good-things-happening-to-me and this is just how it has to be from now on? 


Jay said...

If it's of any help, you do have friends out here that share your loss, who are praying for you, your family, and Charles' family.

Roger Owen Green said...

Matt 6 violated by telling your good works, instead of keeping them secret?
How about Matt 5 about hiding your light under a bushel? The subtleties of these two chapters occasionally confound me.