Thursday, June 20, 2019

Another sewn item

Some of the clothes I sew, I mean to be seen in (See Monday's dress). But others are just for me, for my own comfort and amusement.

Like pajamas.

I saw this Stitch-themed interlock knit ages ago - in fact, I think it was before my Lenten buying-stuff fast, and it was during that time it occurred to me that it would make a nice nightshirt. (Cotton jersey is a nice material for nightshirts - I have a very, very nice Vermont Country Store one I got for Christmas - and I highly recommend those, they are well-made and comfortable).

But I also wanted a juvenile-print themed one. (One of the few consolations of living and sleeping alone? You can wear whatever goofy pajamas you want and no one is going to say anything).

So when I went off the "fast" I bought a few yards of it (far more than I needed, as it turned out) and a pattern for a nightshirt. Took 'em up to my parents' house because I figured I'd have more time to sew up there, and I also knew my mom had some of the special stretch-fabric needles (and her machine has a stretch stitch, though mine might too, now that I think of it).

It was the first thing I made up there - well before my dad going in the hospital even.

I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Like most nightshirts these things are kind of loose fitting and all; if I had known I might have made it a size smaller though.

I had quite a bit of the fabric left over; I gave it to my mom because she thought there was enough for a t-shirt or maybe even a t-shirt dress for my niece, and I didn't really have a use for a yard and a half or so of cotton jersey.

stitch nightshirt 2

Here's another photo, taken with flash. (I had to lighten the previous one a bit):

stitch nightshirt

(The big stuffed Stitch was an older purchase - Disney Store Japan by way of Amazon - I think I got him back in 2017 or 2018...)

Oh, and I may have found a recipient for my old shirt (the mouse-rat shirt. Heh. Mouserat. One of the many different band names Andy on "Parks and Rec" used).


It's a little big on him, but then it's too small for Pfred to wear, and I don't have any critters in between them in size.

And the standard webcam shot, which might show the fabric print better:

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