Sunday, June 02, 2019

A little update...

My mom reports that it's possible (but not 100% certain) that after the doctor sees my dad tomorrow, he will be discharged and get to come home.

(We are already planning his first dinner back; I will run out to the good meat market once they're home and get filet mignon, and she's going to make mashed potatoes....)

This is good because not only does that mean he's improved, but I know he's getting awfully sick of hospital food. For one thing, institutional food is never very good, for another my mom is a good cook (and also with a firmer grasp on what constitutes proper nutrition than many people). And apparently the hospital has something like six or eight choices, and those are the ONLY choices so...if you're in there a while, you keep eating the same darn thing over and over again. AND he is on the "special diet" which means very limited sugar (not normally a problem with my mom's cooking, she knows workarounds) and salt (same: she uses lots of spices to make up). So the food is bland and not that good. My mom has been "sneaking" him things (though mostly fruit: apparently fruit is not a commonly served thing, which surprises me, because it's both healthful AND a thing people will eat even if they're not feeling well....if I'm otherwise uninterested in eating I can usually find fruit appealing.) She did sneak him one of the brownies I made but I don't think that does too much harm...

Also the doctor attending him asked her - after one of the nurses floated the idea of "rehab center" yet again (and my mom told me, adamantly, "we're not doing that again") - well, he asked her "Can you take care of him at home?" and my mom was like "I've been doing it all along" and the doctor said "Good, I'd rather he went home rather than to a rehab center" and I suspect the doctor's assessment carries more weight.

So anyway: if there aren't many more posts from me (I have one or two time-embargoed ones "in the can"), that's where I am, my parents are both home full-time and I'm hanging out with them. I also promised my mom I'd do some of the heavier yardwork for her but I need a little guidance as to what she wants cut back.

But anyway: on here, my silence this coming week will be a GOOD thing.

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