Thursday, April 25, 2019

Yeah, I'm done.

It was a bacterial infection my mom had. So good she went to the doctor; they checked her all over (also checked for kidney stones given the back pain but the scan results aren't back). She's on sulfa pills (I warned her about my bad reaction to them but I also know she's taken them in the past without incident) and instructions to drink a lot of water and also cranberry juice*

(*some of you will now know exactly what kind of infection it is)

I'm relieved, and that also explains why she was "losing her words" a bit on Saturday evening - that kind of infection can DO that to you; I know someone who was suspected of starting with dementia but then it turned out she just had an infection....

But yeah. I think it's going to be an early night in bed for me. Fortunately tomorrow the only things I need to do are meet with my advanced biostats student to go over regression again, and give an exam in my one class. After that, I'm coming home and grading (and, if I feel alert enough, writing the two exams for next week) and I am VERY tempted to take Saturday off and work on a quilt top.

This has been a not-good week for numerous reasons, and next week is going to be heckin' tough too (we have at least two of the candidates coming in and I will be expected to meet with them and also probably eat lunch and/or dinner with them)

I just really want to get into bed and wrap my arms around one of my stuffed animals (I need a hug but that's the closest I will get tonight) and maybe read something diverting and then get some sleep.

1 comment:

purlewe said...

oh crumbs. I hope she feels better soon. Now that she has gotten one she will be more susceptible to others. tell her to up her intake of water daily to keep that kind of infection at bay.