Friday, April 05, 2019

Many bad words

So, I walked into Ecology this morning, exams in hand. (I had picked up the copies shortly before the exam I gave YESTERDAY in another class).

Looked down. Saw the Soils exam. Thought, "Huh, one must have got mixed in" Looked at the rest of the stack. All of them soils exams.

I had the wrong exam. Worse, I didn't have the RIGHT exam, not even in my office.

Moment of panic. I hate looking incompetent even if maybe I am. (My whole life is anxiety about not making mistakes. Many of my achievements have been fueled solely by my fear of looking stupid. Because not-looking-stupid is about all I've got some days)

How to recover? I went back to my office to LOOK, but also to grab my flashdrive if there were no copies of the right exam (I would have rage cancelled the class, but I am impossibly far behind the syllabus). I allowed myself a moment of embarrassing self-excoriation in front of the class, but then launched into finishing the next chapter.

So, I guess I give the exam Monday. One guy expressed relief; he had already had three exams this week, so maybe it's not all terrible.

But I still feel terrible. I hate it when the mask slips and my inner incompetent shows up.

Yes, I could handwave this away and say I've had entirely too much to do this week, but the truth is: this isn't any more than what a professor on some other campus has to do, and I could handle this level of stuff before. I can't quite forgive myself for (a) sending the wrong exam (which is what I did, as it turns out; I had a way to check and I did) in the first place and (b) not LOOKING on Thursday morning to be sure I had both sets of exams correct.

And of course this spirals me in to: "You're gonna get bad teaching evals this semester....which is gonna impact your next post-tenure review...and maybe you'll wind up losing your job!" (Yes, exactly like Twilight Sparkle being worried about being busted back to Magical Kindergarten.)

But it was such a BONEHEADED mistake! Why did I have to make it? Why can't my mistakes be things no one knows about but me, like putting my underwear on backwards or something?

Then again: nobody died.

I'm also trying to gauge in my mind (I know, dangerous thing to try) how well a joke about "I don't know who was praying so hard about 'I don't wanna have to take the exam Friday' but it worked" would go over as I hand out the exam on Monday (I announced it, obviously, to the class, but also posted a note on the class website: several people were out (field trip, sports trip - I have a couple of softball players in my class, someone with chronic illness having a doctor's appointment) so they'll know.)

But yeah. I hate making mistakes like that. 

I did run to the walgreen's - both my calculators died, allegedly (if you can deal with tiny screws) you can replace them, and I'm going to try, because $7 or so worth of batteries is cheaper than $30 for a new calculator. I also bought myself a "fluster" - I had seen these there before and kind of wanted one. Little blindbag llama toys (well, not as cheap as most blindbags, but). Called "Who's your llama," a suppose a pun on Who's your mama or similar.

Except, I got the one I probably wanted least

"Trauma Llama," the injured llama. I SUPPOSE the little cone of shame makes up for it a bit, but why couldn't I get one of the girly ones with cute clothes?

womp womp. (Not shown - the little llama "wheelchair" or assistive walking device that means he won't stand up.

(If I had time, maybe I'd MAKE some cute clothes instead of what he came with, but, I don't have time for anything these days)

Update on the calculators: got one of them working again with battery replacement, no problem. This is the one I know was "my" calculator - as in, I bought it, at an electronics store, it came in branded TI packaging. The other one was one I scavenged ("Let me take it, maybe I can get it working again") when a student was going to pitch it out after it died. Allegedly they were both TI-30XA models, but they looked different - different typefaces on the front, and when I opened them, the circuit board in "mine" was a lot sturdier and the different parts were marked with alphanumeric codes - absent on the other one. And the "scavenged" calculator would not work with replaced batteries (I tried a couple things, including the "static reset" mentioned in the comments on this page.) I wonder now if that one was a "bootleg" TI....I wonder if there are fake versions made. (At any rate: tossed it in the trash, it wasn't one I bought anyway). I guess 50% success rate is better than 0%....and now I also have a tiny (eyeglass sized) screwdriver for my office, which may come in handy again some time.

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