Saturday, January 19, 2019

Early morning surprise

Well, early for some. Maybe not early given my typical schedule...

I slept in a bit; I had been tired and also stayed up a bit later reading (Pere Goriot, which is pretty interesting and is earthier than I had expected). So it was a little after 7 when I got up.

They had been predicting rain and/or snow, and maybe thunderstorms. Well, I guess south of us they got the thunderstorms but if we did they weren't big enough to wake me (usually loud noises like that wake me up).

I expected if there was snow, it would be a tiny bit mixed in with rain and we wouldn't even see it.

january 19 1


The roads ARE clear, so I think I am still going to go out for Dr. G's memorial service (it is at 2). I am not sure how formally one dresses for a memorial service these days, especially in a different denomination than one's own (he was Southern Baptist). I think I will still wear a dress, but probably a darker dress, and I will wear tights (it's supposed to be COLD today). 

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