Thursday, November 08, 2018

Photos, as promised

The first couple you've seen before, maybe in worse photographs:

little cat side

little cat front

The little cat I knitted for my niece. It's cute enough but I'm not sure I'd want to do one again, it's kind of fiddly. (Maybe out of heavier yarn - this was dk - and with bigger needles?)

I also tried to take another one of Bright Eyes (and Baby Blossom, who I now think of as her daughter*, insisted on coming along). I was trying to capture the twinkle-eye look, but it's hard. The eyes are big faceted inset pieces of translucent plastic:

Bright Eyes and Blossom

(*Yes, there is an adult Blossom, and apparently the way the baby ponies came about was through some kind of mirror-magic that essentially cloned some of the adult ponies. But I don't have a Blossom in her adult form, and I bought Bright Eyes and Baby Blossom together, and they just seem to fit).

I admit I really like Bright Eyes' coloring. She was a bit more than most of the Ponies I've bought but I just liked her so much...

I also finished Not Okay Bot, which was a free pattern found on Google Drive. The pattern is designed by Emma Heasman-Hunt but is based on the smolrobots Twitter feed.

Not Okay Bot is a smol robot that is supposed to go find people for you when you are Not Okay. He (she? it?) can be made sad or sympathetic or malicious as you prefer. I went with sympathetic, because when I'm Not Okay, what I need most is sympathy:

Not OKAY Bot

I did make the legs a few rounds longer so his legs were longer, and I added the "control panel" from my vintage button stash - these were all one-off buttons that I had only one of.

button details

You can see the "E S and Co." (or S E and Co) button there; no idea if that's the button-maker or if it was a clothing company that the buttons were made specially for.

I kind of like him (yes, I think of the robot as a "him") having a control panel and it was fun to use some buttons I might never use otherwise. 

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