I came home to two boxes in the mail, which was nice.
First up: New Pone:

Bright Eyes, a twinkle-eye pony (described as "uncommon" and yes, I haven't seen her for sale before and don't often see her in people's collections). I just really liked the color combination and the cutie mark. The other one in Baby Blossom, and I am always a sucker for the baby ponies.
And now I look at them together, even though they are fairly different in coloring (and Baby Blossom is not twinkle-eye), I can't help but think of them as mother and daughter, so I think I'm going to keep them together.
I also got my Gacha Gacha crate for October. (I know, but there was a typhoon there that slowed everything down). There was a "ghost Pokemon" magnet, and a squishy animal sushi thing (really squishy - kind of unappealingly so), and a tiny Pluto dressed as a mummy, and this little dude
I guess he's from the Dragonball series? (He has a tiny pink halo on top of his yellow hair). He's oddly cute even though I have never given the anime more than a cursory viewing.
there may have been one other thing I'm forgetting, and then there was a cat hat. Yes, a hat you put on a cat. Mine was supposed to be a fox. Of course, I don't have a cat (though if I did, you can bet I'd be chasing him or her down to try to put the hat on him or her). But I do have stuffies.
My first thought was Toothless, because he is kind of catlike, but his head is too big.
So here's another one:
Heh, yeah, it works on Webby. I think she'd be the type to wear a hat with animal ears, at least some times.
Hopefully I'll have a bit of time and energy after bell choir to try to stick the feet on the toy cat but I wasted part of my early-afternoon home trying to figure out what was up with my Mastercard. It was declined when I tried to order my tickets, and then later it was declined at Walgreen's (in both cases, I used a different card). Apparently the issuer locked it when I tried to buy the tickets? Weird, because my OTHER mastercard (a Target card) worked fine. I don't know. But it was 21 minutes on the phone listening to tinny elevator music, talking to two different people (one of whom had a heavy accent and there was a bad connection so it was hard) and also having to type my number in so many times. I was almost crying by the time I got to the second person, who was ultimately the one who helped me...)
of course, I might also just take a hot bath and go to bed.
1 comment:
The Gacha Gacha crate looks fun! I decided to subscribe to a monthly "Beauty Box" from Vegan Cuts, for 6 months. I received the first one this weekend, and I really like most of the items in the box. Toner, eye treatment, face mask, etc.
Re: the mice, the only time I've had mice in my house here was one summer when it was extremely hot and dry for months. They chewed through the gasket on the bottom of the front door to get in (I have metal frame storm doors now, so hopefully it won't happen again). The Labrador retriever I had back then did nothing to deter the mice, at least not while I was home. There was a plague of rats and mice in the horse barn at my friends' ranch that year too.
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