Tuesday, October 30, 2018

one thing accomplished

"Here's that information you wanted, Michael"


Yeah, wal-mart had tiny live cacti in pots so I bought one, figuring that was probably better than a plastic one. After Halloween, I'm going to repot it in a bigger pot - it seems a little potbound.

It's a mammilaria cactus. Not as sharp as some but still pretty sharp so I'll have to be careful.

The prospect of dressing up for Halloween has done wonders for my mood. I am good with tasks like that - small, limited, requiring some creativity.

(I also got a small pump bottle of hairspray to try to tame my hair so I can wear it down, and a blonde eyebrow pencil to try to emphasize my brows - the actress who plays Janet has fairly dark brows and while I know mine "read" in pictures, they are paler in real life).

I still have to get soil for lab and make the chili to feed the college kids tonight, but at least I accomplished this.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Are you feeling a little prickly? (Obvious - sorry)