Saturday, October 27, 2018

for what it's worth

I got the next two chapters updated over at work. That leaves two for the semester. Next semester we are using this same book so it will just be correcting typos (I have gotten worse recently about that. I don't know if my eyes are getting worse or my attention to detail is) and fixing things that seemed not to work.

I also cleaned my office and filled a box with recyclable paper (again, not sure what that's worth; I don't think the market is currently that good but they still collect it at the print shop so I guess I'll take it over there). And took care of a couple little administrative tasks.

And I got the carne machaca made; tomorrow I will pull the congealed fat off the top, mix in the veggie mix (sauteed onions, tomato, and green chilies) that go over it and heat it up.

I am reading Scripture tomorrow in worship but am prepared for the minister to change it up on me in light of recent events. (Tomorrow is also Reformation Sunday, which we do, even though we are not Lutheran - I think the Lutherans do that the most)

I got the binding sewn onto my quilt - well, the machine sewn part, I still have 288 inches or so of handsewing to do to tack it down.

I realized midafternoon that since we're doing an indoor lab now (boo rain) I don't have to wear field clothes Wednesday and could dress up for Hallowe'en. But it's too late to do anything elaborate: I don't have time to make anything, and even ordering something, it would likely come too late (and forget getting anything in town; we have wal-mart. They have stuff but I doubt there's anything I'd want as a costume.)

I thought of a few options but care particularly for none of them, because a couple of them would be incomplete:

1. Black dress, tie up my hair with a big silk scarf I have, get an old-fashioned broom to carry and be Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service. If I had a stuffed Jiji I would do that but I don't have one and have no time to get or make one. (And no, I don't have a stuffed generic black cat that would even work)

2. Dig out my matching vest-and-skirt combo, wear it with a long-sleeved blouse, be Janet from "The Good Place." My coloring matches hers well enough and I wear my hair in a ponytail already. But. I couldn't find a small potted cactus to carry around and that seems like it might be kind of an essential part of the gag to me, and I couldn't find "Hello, my name is...." tags to even wear one that says "Janet."

Other objection: no one might get it, I don't know how widely watched "The Good Place" is on campus.

3. Pumpkin hat (I have a knitted hat in the shape of a pumpkin) with black dress and orange scarf tied around my neck. Objection: Boring, and I've done it before.

4. Black dress or slacks and top, and the black clip-on (hair clip style) cat ears and wear the black "cat paw" mitts that came in a Doki Doki crate. Objection: the whole "sexy anime catgirl" thing kind of ruins it for me, and I'm too old to be a catgirl and also as a college professor one does not want to suggest sexiness in the front of one's class. Or at least this "one" doesn't.

5. Regular top and slacks, but attach (pin or tie on) a bunch of random crap, go as a flea market or jumble sale. Objection: it's a dumb idea. Similarly: sticking a bunch of single socks to me and going as either static cling or "where lost socks go" - again, dumb, and clearly screams "I didn't have time for anything better" and I think I'd rather just not dress up that day.

6. Denim skirt, light blue top, get tube socks from the store, put a clip in my hair: Tina Belcher. Objection: Tina kind of sucks some times and I'd rather go as Louise if I'm doing ANY Belcher, and I don't have time to make or get a Louise costume.

Part of it is, I think with all the Bad Stuff in the news lately, my heart kind of isn't in it fully. It seems kind of stupid. And I don't know if anyone else is dressing up. (If someone else were going as a Good Place character, I'd totally go as Janet, but no one would be)

Maybe I'll think of some other closet cosplay between now and then, I hope I do. I have a floor-dragging tan skirt (used for Beatrix potter) and a calf-length black dress (which is actually now kind of long in the tooth: it's at least 20 years old) and I have a red dress with a pleated skirt but I can't think of anything for that and I have a brown velour dress....and denim skirts, and brown skirts, and the regular-colored slacks, but nothing good is coming to me. I have other random things like some shorter brightly-colored skirts, and a tan knit dress that is ALMOST too short to wear with comfort, but....none of those suggest any kind of good character, so.

1 comment:

Purlewe said...

I love the idea of you being Janet. All you would need is to make a sticker with "My name is Janet" and even if they didn't get it it would still be cute.