Monday, August 20, 2018

The "birb" quilt

I got the binding sewn down yesterday evening.

(While waiting for my mom to call. And she called later than I expected her - so I panicked and called her neighbor to see if she'd got home yet and was maybe just on the phone with someone else*. I got the neighbor literally just as my mom pulled in the drive....she had stayed over later because they moved my dad out of ICU and into a room, and she wanted him to finish the breathing treatment he had been doing. His fever's gone, and his lungs are clearer, so things are going in the right direction)

(*One thing I miss about "old" phones is getting a busy signal when someone was on the phone. Most modern phones, it goes to voicemail, and most of them seem set up to not let you know if "person is on the phone" or "person is not answering the phone.")

But here it is! It's a smaller quilt, so a "lap quilt" or a "put over the foot of the bed if just your feet are cold" quilt:

birb quilt

(I swear, it's like the wind knows when I'm putting a quilt up on the line - it was still when I walked out and as soon as I stepped back with the camera, there came the breeze....)

I really like the backing I found for it:

backing on birb quilt

This is an angled view, showing the stipple quilting, which I think was a good choice for the quilt:
side birb

And a close up showing the fabric. As I said, this is the first quilt I ever made with just one print fabric plus the background:

birb close up

1 comment:

Purlewe said...

The quilt looks AMAZING!!! I really love it. I hope that it makes you happy too.