Thursday, February 15, 2018

another hyperlocal thought

As I sprayed the Dymista (the new anti-allergy med my doctor gave me a sample of) into my nose this morning, I wondered: "Could this be what made me stupid yesterday? Could I either be reacting to it, or could I have too many antihistamines in my body now?" (it is an antihistamine mixed with a steroid and I suppose it's possible it's the corticosteroid making me stupid)

(She knows I am on loratidine and monteleukast, so I doubt she'd give something prone to react badly with them, but mistakes can be made)

But yeah. Sleepiness is one of the "severe" side effects (though the other severe ones are scarier and I'll preserve your sensibilities by not sharing them).

So I don't know. Maybe I discontinue it for a few days and see if I pop back? I could tell I wasn't 100% on my game in class this morning. It's not like taking it has suddenly given me vast freedom from any bad allergic problems, so this may not be that useful to me.

The problem is, it's so hard to know: this could be being overtired. This could be having too much to do. This could be worrying about stuff like the science olympiad test. This could be I need more iron in my diet...

But yeah. It was just a sample so it's not like I'm even out a co-pay if I quit using it. Also it smells very strongly of roses and if I straighten up a little too soon after using it, I get a horrible bitter taste in my mouth - I presume it's the spray either affecting the part of my nasal cavity cued in with taste, or perhaps a bit of it sliding down into my mouth.


Judy said...

I have taken antihistamines that were so strong that I knew I had a name but couldn't tell you what it was. Which is a lot of fun when you are taking a College Algebra class and you can't remember how to use the formula for quadratic equations on a test.
You recognize that you have been using the formula all week. How to use it? Not a clue.

Corticosteroids don't cause me brain fog. I can't decide whether or not I want to kill folks or just sit and bawl.

Good luck in finding out what is causing the brain fog.

CGHill said...

I was prescribed Dymista once; I don't remember it having any particular side effects, but then I don't remember it doing me a great deal of good, either.