Wednesday, October 04, 2017

trying not to

So, I alluded to helping a colleague with something this morning? And I said "please not at 8 am so I can sleep in a bit?"

I've been here, I got most of the little stuff I need to attend to for the rest of the week sorted....colleague is still not here.

I am trying not to worry. This is not entirely like him but is also not, shall way say, more than a standard-deviation-and-a-half away from typical. But. He lives alone here (Wife is employed a couple hours away, family home is there, he has a small house here in town). He's had some unspecified health issues in the last year.

So I hope he's okay. That's my biggest hope. I hope he just decided to sleep in or had to do something else or whatever. Or, like me sometimes, maybe he had a migraine and decided not to come in.

My secondary hope is he doesn't roll in here at five minutes of one and expect me to drop everything as I'm going off to class, or stay late after class.

But I mostly hope he's okay. (I don't have his home phone number or I'd consider calling)

I keep listening for him to come in but so far nothing yet :(

I did find out the afternoon gen-ed labs he normally would teach are cancelled for today, so he has the entire day off - so either he took it and didn't think to tell me (not outside the realm of possibility) or he's going to come in at 1 and forgot that **I** have lab in my upper-division class, in which case he gets to work on $thing alone, and I'm not going to be super enthusiastic about staying past 3 pm when my class ends.

He does tend to be the sort of person who changes plans and assumes everyone will figure out he changed the plans (instead of thinking that some people might worry, like I do) so I'm a little LESS worried, but, still, won't relax totally unless I see him in here.

UPDATE: He just walked in. (facepalm: I have class in literally 10 minutes)

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