Thursday, July 07, 2016

Started something new

Well, two big things got done yesterday:
- I printed my poster for the meetings. I proofread the thing like crazy so hopefully there are no typos and no cases of me using an outdated scientific name anywhere.

- I uploaded the first two evaluated chapters to the cloud site (That would have made no sense a few years ago - all the material for the texbook is posted online on a dropbox-type site, I download it, read through it, post comments on it where there are mistakes or whatever, and then re-upload it to a different folder on the same site)

I  also had my first piano lesson in a while.

So yesterday evening, I started a new crochet project. This is the one I mentioned before - I am using the same old Elisabeth Doherty pattern with the couple of little modifications to turn it from a fawn into a pony. I'm using a dark brown Red Heart Soft yarn, with a black yarn for the eventual mane and tail.

Name: Horsey McHorseface. Inspired (as was the color scheme) by this.

Actually, I think this is the only one of these "pony styled" horses I've made that's going to have anything remotely approaching a natural color scheme. (Next closest is Derpy but I've never seen a grey horse in the "real world" that had a yellowish mane)

And I see from the photo of the "real" Horsey, the possible alternative cutie mark - he has something almost like one of those little paper numbers that marathon runners wear stuck on his flank. But as I wound up finding an applique of a horse's head, and the whole recursive humor of Horsey McHorseface having a horse's face on his horse's butt as his cutie mark, I had to buy it and it will serve as his mark.

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