Tuesday, April 05, 2016

More good news

Ate lunch, stomach is still happy. Actually felt slightly hungry before lunch, which I haven't felt for a week or so....am assuming this was a viral thing based on how much better I feel today and the just-general-low-energy I was feeling last week.

Two other good things:

1. My article is officially out; I received the journal today. I'm particularly pleased (this is the soil invertebrate article) because when I first started writing it up I was very doubtful if there was "enough" to make it worth submitting, but this turned out to be one of my easiest paper-acceptances ever. (The requested revisions were minor and a few of them were things that made me kind of smack my forehead and go, "I shoulda thought of that")

The journal doesn't do reprints (I doubt any do any more) but if you really want to read it and don't want to wait the year or two "embargo" period (It will be up online then: two of my other articles published in the Proceedings are), drop me an e-mail and I can either mail a photocopy or have a try at scanning it on my printer-scanner and sending it to you.

2. The plumber just left; he pronounced my water heater "in tip-top shape" and could find nothing wrong with it. But he also could not give me any good reason why it randomly shut off. (But at least now I know it's in good shape AND I know how to restart it if that happens again.) Also the service call was less than I remembered, $110 rather than $150.

I'm officially on furlough this afternoon so I have a dilemma: go to Sherman for better grocery shopping, or mow the lawn and do a bit more yardwork, or do research reading? (that is okay as I do not get paid to do research. I just can't grade or write exams or prep for teaching or do committeework). At the moment I'm leaning towards the yardwork because I COULD go on Saturday to shop but it is likely to be raining then so I could not mow.

I don't have time to do both mowing and shopping; after mowing I will have to wash my hair to get rid of the pollen and stuff. And it's an hour's round trip to Sherman.

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