Friday, April 01, 2016


I have no hot water again.

I am assuming, seeing as I was NOT HOME at all (did not try showering) yesterday that it's the after effects of Wednesday's power outage (I *think* I washed my hair Wednesday night, but the water would still be warm). I tried following what I remembered of the instructions the guy gave me when he came out but I can't find the reset button. I tried, I actually hit the lever that started the tank dumping water, so I gave up. I'm doing a search online right now but the .pdf file that might have my answer isn't downloading.

I have to drive up to Ada today so I can't call for a plumber until after I am sure I am home. And it's $150. But I have to have hot water! I suppose it could be the stupid thermocouple again.

I want to cry. Again, this has been a terrible week and this is just the capper:

1. More stomach issues Wednesday night. I don't know, maybe I have an  ulcer or a hiatal hernia. Or maybe I've developed an intolerance to peanut butter.

2. A particular person who is getting on my last nerve and whom I cannot get away from (I can't give any more detail from that but suffice it to say it's not a friend I can drop or anything like that)

3. The women's group I belong to can't draft anyone to be president next year. No one wants it. Be aware that I am practically the only NON-RETIRED member of the group. I finally blew up last night and said I'd give up the post I already had, even though I was stressed to the max, even though I was working long hours, and I'd do it. No, they didn't want that, they wanted me to keep my post.....but then endless dithering about "I don't want it." "No, I don't want it." We will FOLD if no one volunteers.

And I admit some of my frustration is that I see some of these people as being in a privileged position compared to me - they don't have to work, their schedules are their own, many of them can afford cleaning ladies. Most of them are divorced or widowed, so they don't even have a husband hanging around.

So, since we're counting, in 2016: the quilt/yarn shop in my town closed. There are serious concerns about budgets at work to the point of my wondering how long the small regional unis will persist. My church (once again) has no pastor and I think Regional's given up on us. And now the women's group I belong to may fold.

Yeah, maybe this IS a big blinking beacon to me. Maybe I need to find work elsewhere and just move and abandon half the crap I own and try to live that tiny "virtual" life I talked about yesterday in some Tiny House somewhere, because that will be all I can afford elsewhere.

But I am DONE. Just so DONE. And I won't even have the comfort of a hot shower when I get home tonight.

Yeah, I tried the heater again. NOTHING. Can't get it to light. ARRRRRGGGHHHH. I wish life would stop beating up on me. Now I don't know what to do - wait till I get home and hope a plumber is free? Cancel being judge in the hopes of getting in a plumber? Go stay in a motel room tonight so I can at least wash my hair without freezing myself? DAMMIT.

(And yes, I know it's April Fool's, but all of this is true. If anyone plays a prank on me today they will either get to see me dissolve into tears or scream at them because I am so at the end of my rope)

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