(It is a junior size. I normally take Misses; juniors tend to be a little shorter and slimmer. But one thing I like about it is the fit; it shows off that I have tightened up my upper abdominals somewhat in recent months and darnit, I'm proud of that).
And I'm ready to go. Ponies fit. I took Fluttershy but also grabbed Treehugger this time as well. I can't explain it; I originally said the character on the show bugged me but I really like the stuffie I made of her, and also I've kind of headcanoned up a whole idea that she is like the Fluttershy of another part of Equestria, except she also grows all her own food and grows herbs (COOKING herbs, not the kind of "herb" some fans seem to relate to her) and makes her own soap and does all of that back-to-the-lander stuff I kind of fantasize about doing some times. (Maybe that's why I like my little headcanon version of Treehugger so much....)
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