Friday, September 25, 2015

Not quite done

I got 60% of the fieldwork (24 of the 40 total blocks) done. That took just over two and a half hours but I could NOT do more - it's very humid here this afternoon and I could tell my breathing was compromised. Also, I was getting what I would call positional hypotension (if I didn't have high blood pressure) every time I would lean over to look at stuff - I'd straighten up, get dizzy, and then have to "take a knee" in a couple instances.

I MAY have to talk with my doctor in January and see if there's a way we could reduce the dosage of the metoprolol. That is, if the dizziness issue continues. (It could have been humidity; that can do it to me). If I hadn't had good blood work just last week, I'd suspect low iron, because that's what it felt a little like.

The good news if I can get my butt out there at or before 8 tomorrow morning, I can be back in time for the New Pony episode at 10:30. And I've decided that upon completion of the fieldwork, I am declaring the rest of the weekend a Weekend of Slackdom....I got the necessary grading done this morning, the exam I needed for late next week is already written and typed, and I'm ahead enough on everything else.

(Also, first thing in the morning, it won't be so HOT. I am ready to be done with HOT. It was in the low 90s today, which is really too much for late September.)


Also, I started doing some shelf-pulls of books I will probably never re-read (and a few I bought cheap from Daedalus or somewhere and probably won't ever read). I also have, I think, all of the Dark is Rising sequence in paperback, and I bought the nice Folio editions when they were on sale - no need to keep duplicate books.

Still unsure what to do - there are apparently no drop off points in my area for donating books for people in prison, so I'd have to mail them to one of the clearinghouses. At one time they were doing Books for Africa but that was mainly collecting textbooks or things like "classics" and most of my weeds are recent novels.... Maybe I should ask one of the librarians if she has an idea as to a good place to donate the books. The Dark is Rising ones are technically YA books so maybe a school would like them....

This is where I wish all of y'all lived near me, I'd just invite you over and have the books spread out and tell you, "Take the ones you want or know someone who would want them."

(I don't want to do a Little Free Library. For one thing, I have no idea if my city would sneer at the idea and I don't want to come in for more scrutiny, and also, I confess, I am uncomfortable with random strangers coming on my property; my house is awfully close to the street.)

I could post a list of some of them on here, I suppose, and let people e-mail me with requests, but then, there'd be the cost of postage, and with having to economize a bit I'd not be comfortable sending books out.....and we don't have a used-book store here any more or I'd take them in and trade them in for a cookbook or something. (I don't quite have the energy to set up an Amazon marketplace....)


Charlotte said...

Could you set the books aside and take them to someplace in Sherman the next time you go?

Lynn said...

You could ask people to send you the shipping via Paypal. I got a huge Andre Norton collection that way. Haven't even read all of them yet.

purlewe said...

I bet if you called a school and asked if any english teachers would take them they would. Say 6th grade?