Friday, July 10, 2015

I got nothing

Some plant or other is fornicating right now and my allergies are BAD. Tired even though I slept a pretty solid 8 hours last night.

Something's also dinked with my digestive system a little but the less said about that the better. I will note that a big dose of meaty protein (and fewer vegetables and fruits) today is probably the best order of the day. Maybe some macaroni or cheese, or macaroni AND cheese....

I'm still going to Sherman despite not feeling 100%. (Hopefully the digestive thing is mostly over.) I've decided to just take most of the day, go to antique shops, go to the craft stores, and then hit the natural-foods store and the grocery last, before I head home.

I'm also....ever so slightly....toying with looking for a medium green yarn, and a couple of thicker yarns in sort of a reddish and an orange. Even though I said "Treehugger annoyed me," I'm sort of wanting to play around with how one might make dreadlocks for a stuffed toy. I'm thinking i-cord might work, especially fairly fat i-cord. And it might be fun to try to make a "granny style" dress for her some time out of leftover calico. (I probably have SOME kind that is a 70s-fabulous looking design; I occasionally get tempted into buying fabric that reminds me of the fabrics out when I was a kid - even though most of those were actually synthetics. (The 1970s, in some ways, must have been a very sweaty decade, all that doubleknit)). She probably won't be Next Pony in the queue (I have Filly Trixie to make, and Cheerilee, and sometime a Maud Pie I want to do (I keep stalling on that one because I keep thinking it would be hard to figure out how to make the dress - I have some medium-blue jersey knit in the right color, and I want to sew a dress, but how to make a skirt that hangs right over her haunches? Maybe I need to do it as a top (like a simple t-shirt shape) and a skirt where the hem varies whether it's the front or the back? And then make a wide belt out of black grosgrain ribbon....*) And I want to do a G4-ized version of Minty. And there's Discord, though he isn't a pony, and I think I'm saving doing him for fall, when I can work on him bit by bit.

(*And I suppose I could do a nude Maud Pie but she wouldn't look right. For some reason Maud strikes me as a pony who always wears clothes. Maybe the ponies who are more closed-mouthed or private about their lives also wear more clothing? Or wear it more regularly? Or maybe she's a Hemulen in Pony form; Moominmamma once commented on the incomprehensible-to-her fact about how Hemulens always seemed to wear so many clothes.)

(Speaking of which: I have a Moomintroll and Snork Maiden pattern to do some time. They are shown in white but I'm not sure if I'm going to do them that color; I seem to remember reading that the Snork Maiden changed colors based on her mood? And some of the covers on the old US paperback editions showed them in different colors)

I'm closing in on being done with the body of Dr. Whooves. I'm excited to have this one done.

Because peculiarly enough, hugging (or making) ponies seems to help. 
 Yeah. Fighting summer ennui/tiredness/meh/whatever. It's not so much that "keeping calm" is hard, it's working up the energy for stuff I normally don't have problems working up the energy for. I admit, walking into class yesterday was HARD because I just wasn't feelin' it. Oh, I made it through, but it was a challenge. Doing the bit of research work I had scheduled was a challenge, too - also wasn't feeling that. 

(I wonder if Maud Pie ever "doesn't feel it" for working on her rocks. She seems to be preternaturally calm, almost to the point of projecting a certain ennui)

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