Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Now, that's old

So. The tree guy came while I was in class today and removed the privet from where the new a/c unit is planned to go. So I figured, might as well get the process underway.

I called the a/c guy, turns out he was on a  job nearby, so he stopped by. I explained that the old unit wasn't FAILING but I figured it was time to replace it, and also, it's not in an ideal location (closer than 2 feet to the house). So he told me the possible choices, I made one (turns out it will set me back less than $3000, which is good, because I had budgeted about $5000 for it). He then said, "Well, I couldn't guarantee you anything, but I could open this one up and see if the pump is failing, and replace that, it would be cheaper."

And I laughed, and said I knew the unit was at lest 15 years old, so it was just time to replace it.

And he got down and looked in some magic place apparently known to a/c guys, and said, "Yup. It was installed in 1994. Got a good long life out of it."

Yeah. If my air conditioning unit was a person, it would be old enough to buy alcohol. I think it's time to replace it.

It's not URGENT, the thing doesn't cool quite as awesomely as it did a few years ago (seriously, I could walk into the house on a hot day and get an instant wall of coolth), but it still holds its own. But I'm sure a new unit will be more energy efficient, and will also probably cool better. And maybe be better at getting rid of humidity, which is more than half the battle right now.

And the place I use has a pretty good warranty on their products and work, so that means five years of not worrying if it breaks.

But, the bad news: I have to replace my lawnmower; one of the wheel struts snapped on the old one. (No, it is very clearly not reparable - the metal broke where it attached to the frame, and welding it, even if it were possible to, would still result in a weak spot).

If my tree guy swings by soon for me to pay him (he's on another job), I'll make a Lowe's run, I know they have the reel-type mowers as I saw them there when I was trying to find a sharpening kit (which I did not find). Crud, this one was only three years old - but then again, that's three years of hard use, and I paid something on the order of $150 for it, and I'd have paid a lot more than that for either a gas mower or someone to do my lawn for me.

Edited to add: new lawnmower has been obtained. It is an Earthwise (Treehugger approved?) Quietcut (Fluttershy approved?). It's pretty good; more ergonomic than the old one and it handles tall grass like WHOA. I couldn't believe how well it cut. (And tomorrow is bulky waste day, so I left the broken mower down at the curb)

I will say Lowe's "order online, pickup in the store" process needs work. Or at least locally it does. Ordering the thing was easy enough and I got my confirmation e-mail, but the customer service desk was pitifully understaffed (and yet, I saw at least five workers slouch by as I stood there) and the person running it kept helping people with returns, even a person who came in after I did. But finally I got it. The person said, "Do you need someone to help get that into your car?" I experimentally lifted it and said, "No, I'm good" and she said "Are you sure" and I was like, but I didn't say, "I won't have any help getting it out at home" (but of course she would not have known that).

And it was pretty simple to assemble, which was good, given that the schematic diagram was to small to see easily even with my bifocals.

I managed to get the yard mown though it's really hot out (83, though my outdoor thermometer says 95, which is probably how hot it feels in the sun). The last few rows, I kept having to "take a knee" and at the end I was feeling ever-so-slightly chilled (incipient heat exhaustion) but I drank a bunch of water when I came in and will probably drink a coconut water with dinner (it has electrolytes....)

Also, I realized the tree guy, in addition to what I had asked him (and paid him) to do, removed all the crummy pecan catkins from the driveway (I assume he had a blower). My tree guy is pretty awesome and he will always be the tree guy I call.

Also, the air conditioning guy called. The unit has been obtained and will be installed Friday. Wow. This is going to be an expensive week but that's okay; I still had some of my tax refund left and I am working this summer. And I had budgeted (put money aside each month) for the new air conditioner the last time I had trouble with it (last summer), so I'm good there. 

If the "three things break" rule holds, then I should be good for the summer: tree branch, air conditioner (though that's not literally broken, just old), lawnmower.

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